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Hi. I'm Rebecca.


I created Whole Body Brain Transformation because I truly understand what it's like to live life feeling exhausted, anxious and depressed. It is now my life's passion to help moms free themselves from feeling this way. I suffered from severe insomnia for many years after the birth of my son. For about 7 years, I would have frequent nights of less than 2 hours of sleep, often many of these nights in a row. I know what it feels like to drag yourself through each day pretending not to be as exhausted as you are. I know what it feels like to desperately try to muster up the patience to be a good mother when your brain is full of fog. I know what it feels like to worry each night about whether, when you close your eyes, your body will actually let you sleep. I know what it feels like to feel a sense of loss of joy in your life and a feeling of hopelessness. I know what it feels like to feel you have lost control over your own life.

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I have sat where you are sitting right now.


I practiced sleep hygiene, did cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia, went to a naturopathic sleep specialist, went to psychiatric sleep specialist, took handfuls of supplements and tried medications, but eventually I realized that unless you get to the root, profound healing is not possible.

I spent years learning everything I could about my body– studying genomics, neurotransmitters, functional medicine, the endocrine system, the GI system and energetic medicine – in an effort to heal myself.

Now it is my life's mission to teach other moms how to improve their mood, sleep and focus so they can have more energy, patience and presence for those they love.


All those years of research have paid off. Today, I am thrilled to say that I sleep blissfully well. I feel energetic, happy, calm and am excited to help other moms feel this way too!

I am thrilled to be able to share my signature program with other moms, so they too can transform their lives. This is a truly holistic program that will bring balance to your mind, body and spirit. I bring over 20 years of experience in holistic health care and over 10 years of experience as a mom to these programs.


With love,

Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University, 2007
Mastering Brain Chemistry, Walsh Research Institute, 2020
New England School of Homeopathy Certification, 2007
Nutrition Educator, Bauman College, 2000

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